

Tabbed content is created using the tab-set directive with individual tab-item blocks for each tab's content. You can embed other directives, like admonitions directly in tabs.


:::{tab-item} Tab #1 title
This is where the content for tab #1 goes.

:::{tab-item} Tab #2 title
This is where the content for tab #2 goes.


This is where the content for tab #1 goes.

This is where the content for tab #2 goes.

Tabs can be grouped together by setting the group attribute to the same value for each tab-set.
This allows for multiple sets of tabs to be controlled together.

You need to set both the group and sync attributes to the same value for each tab-item to sync the tabs.

This means tabs with the same group and the same sync value will be selected together.

In the following example we have three tab sets, but only the first two are grouped together.
Hence, the first two tab sets will be in sync, but the third tab set will not be in sync with the first two.

:group: languages1
:::{tab-item} Java
:sync: java2
Content for Java tab

:::{tab-item} Golang
:sync: golang
Content for Golang tab

:::{tab-item} C#
:sync: csharp
Content for C# tab


:group: languages
:::{tab-item} Java
:sync: java
Content for Java tab

:::{tab-item} Golang
:sync: golang
Content for Golang tab

:::{tab-item} C#
:sync: csharp
Content for C# tab

  1. This is the group name
  2. This is the sync name

Content for Java tab

Content for Golang tab

Content for C# tab

Other content for Java tab

Other content for Golang tab

Other content for C# tab

Other content for Java tab that is not in the same group

Other content for Golang tab that is not in the same group

Other content for Golang tab that is not in the same group