New versioning
As part of the new information architecture, pages with varying versioning schemes are now interwoven, creating the opportunity and necessity to rethink the scope and versioning of each page. The previous approach of creating entirely separate docs sets for every minor version resulted in fragmentation and unnecessary duplication. Consolidating versioning resolves these issues while maintaining clarity and usability.
To ensure a seamless experience for users and contributors, the new versioning approach adheres to the following:
- Context awareness — Each page explicitly states the context it applies to, including relevant deployment types (e.g., Elastic Cloud Hosted and Elastic Cloud Serverless) and versions. Context clarity ensures users know if the content is applicable to their environment. When users land on a Docs page that doesn’t apply to their version or deployment type, clear cues and instructions will guide them to the appropriate content.
- Simplified contributor workflow — For pages that apply to multiple versions or deployment types, we’ve optimized the contributor experience by reducing complexity. Contributors can now manage multi-context content with ease, without duplicating information or navigating confusing workflows.
For versioning plan details, check Docs Versioning plan. To learn how to call out versioning differences in docs-builder, see product availability.