

Images include screenshots, inline images, icons, and more. Syntax for images is like the syntax for links, with two differences:

  1. instead of link text, you provide an image description
  2. an image description starts with ![ not just [

Images can be referenced from the top-level _static dir or a local image dir.



Or, use the image directive.

:::{image} img/observability.png
:alt: Elasticsearch
:width: 250px

Screenshots are images displayed with a box-shadow. Define a screenshot by adding the :screenshot: attribute to a block-level image directive.

:::{image} img/apm.png
Here is the same image used inline ![Elasticsearch](img/observability.png "elasticsearch =50%x50%")

Here is the same image used inline Elasticsearch

Titles are optional making this the minimal syntax required


Including a title can be done by supplying it as an optional argument.

![Elasticsearch](img/observability.png "elasticsearch")

Inline images are supplied at the end through the title argument.

This is done to maintain maximum compatibility with markdown parsers
and previewers.

![alt](img.png "title =WxH")
![alt](img.png "title =W")

W and H can be either an absolute number in pixels or a number followed by % to indicate relative sizing.

If H is omitted W is used as the height as well.

![alt](img.png "title =250x330")
![alt](img.png "title =50%x40%")
![alt](img.png "title =50%")




image::images/metrics-alert-filters-and-group.png[Metric threshold filter and group fields]