Link validation
- See the RFC.
- Infrastructure lives in docs-infra.
The mermaid chart below is currently unsupported.
flowchart TD
subgraph **Repository Build Process**
direction LR
subgraph Repositories
A[Repository A] --> Z1
B[Repository B] --> Z2
C[Repository C] --> Z3
Z1[Link validation process]
Z2[Link validation process]
Z3[Link validation process]
Z1 & Z2 & Z3 -->|If validation succeeds| E[Generate links.json]
E -->|Extract external links and add to _external_links_ array| H
H[Upload updated links.json to S3]
subgraph AWS **Link Index**
H --> I[Amazon S3 Bucket]
I --> J[CloudFront Distribution]
subgraph Assembler
J --> X["Validate links and build docs (TBD)"]
subgraph **Link validation process**
subgraph Changes to md files
Q[Add External Links] --> K
R[Remove Markdown Files] --> K
K[Docs build kicks off]
K --> L[Download links.json files from CloudFront]
L --> M{Link Validation}
M -->|All Links Valid| N[Build Succeeds]
M -->|Broken Links Found| O[Build Fails]
J --> L
style N fill:#a3d9a5,color:#333
style O fill:#f8a5a5,color:#333