
Before upgrading or updating the release configuration refer to compatibility matrix for a list of supported versions and customizing configuration for a list of supported configurable parameters.

To upgrade an installed release, run a helm upgrade command providing the desired chart version and using the correct values.yaml for your environment. For example:

helm repo update open-telemetry # update information of available charts locally
helm search repo open-telemetry/opentelemetry-kube-stack --versions # list available versions of the chart

helm upgrade --namespace opentelemetry-operator-system opentelemetry-kube-stack open-telemetry/opentelemetry-kube-stack \
--values 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/elastic/elastic-agent/refs/tags/v8.17.3/deploy/helm/edot-collector/kube-stack/values.yaml' \
--version 0.3.3

If cert-manager integration is disabled, Helm generates a new self-signed TLS certificate with every update, even if there are no actual changes to apply.