
  • Elastic Stack (self-managed or Elastic Cloud) version 8.16.0 or higher, or an Elasticsearch serverless project.

  • A Kubernetes version supported by the OpenTelemetry Operator (refer to the operator’s compatibility matrix for more details).

  • If you opt for automatic certificate generation and renewal on the OpenTelemetry Operator, you need to install cert-manager in the Kubernetes cluster. By default, the operator installation uses a self-signed certificate and doesn’t require cert-manager.

Compatibility Matrix

The minimum supported version of the Elastic Stack for OpenTelemetry-based monitoring on Kubernetes is 8.16.0. Different Elastic Stack releases support specific versions of the kube-stack Helm chart.

The following is the current list of supported versions:

Stack Version Helm chart Version Values file
Serverless 0.3.3 values.yaml
8.16.0 0.3.3 values.yaml
8.17.0 0.3.3 values.yaml
8.17.3 0.3.3 values.yaml

When installing the release, ensure you use the right --version and -f <values-file> parameters.