
☸️ Kubernetes

☁️ Elastic Cloud Serverless

The quick start for Kubernetes with Elastic Cloud Serverless covers the collection of OpenTelemetry data for infrastructure monitoring, logs collection and application monitoring.

  1. Add the OpenTelemetry repository to Helm

     helm repo add open-telemetry 'https://open-telemetry.github.io/opentelemetry-helm-charts' --force-update
  2. Setup Connection & Credentials

    Retrieve the Elastic OTLP Endpoint and the Elastic API Key for your Serverless Project by following these instructions.

    Replace both, <ELASTIC_OTLP_ENDPOINT> and <ELASTIC_API_KEY> in the below command to create a namespace and a secret with your credentials.

     kubectl create namespace opentelemetry-operator-system
     kubectl create secret generic elastic-secret-otel \
     --namespace opentelemetry-operator-system \
     --from-literal=elastic_otlp_endpoint='<ELASTIC_OTLP_ENDPOINT>' \
  3. Install Operator

    Install the OpenTelemetry Operator using the kube-stack Helm chart with the pre-configured values.yaml file.

     helm install opentelemetry-kube-stack open-telemetry/opentelemetry-kube-stack \
     --namespace opentelemetry-operator-system \
     --values 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/elastic/elastic-agent/refs/tags/v8.17.3/deploy/helm/edot-collector/kube-stack/managed_otlp/values.yaml' \
     --version '0.3.9'

    The Operator will provide a deployment of the EDOT Collector and provide the configuration environment variables, thus enabling SDKs and instrumentation to send data to the EDOT Collector without further configuration.

  4. Auto-instrument Applications

    Add a language-specific annotation to your namespace by replacing <LANGUAGE> with one of the supported values (nodejs, java, python, dotnet or go) in the below command.

     kubectl annotate namespace YOUR_NAMESPACE instrumentation.opentelemetry.io/inject-<LANGUAGE>="opentelemetry-operator-system/elastic-instrumentation"

    The OpenTelemetry Operator will automatically provide the OTLP endpoint configuration and authentication to the SDKs through environment variables.

    Restart your deployment to ensure the annotations and auto-instrumentations are applied.

    For languages where auto-instrumentation is not available, you will need to manually instrument your application. See the Setup section in the corresponding SDK.