🖥 Hosts / VMs
🆂 Self-managed Elastic Stack
The quick start for Hosts / VMs with a self-managed Elastic Stack will guide you through setting up the EDOT Collector and EDOT SDKs to collect host metrics, logs and application traces.
Download the EDOT Collector
Download the EDOT Collector for your operating system, extract the archive and move to the extracted directory.
Configure the EDOT Collector
Retrieve your Elasticsearch endpoint and API key and replace
before applying the below command.Linux
ELASTICSEARCH_ENDPOINT=<ELASTICSEARCH_ENDPOINT> && \ ELASTIC_API_KEY=<ELASTIC_API_KEY> && \ cp ./otel_samples/logs_metrics_traces.yml ./otel.yml && \ mkdir -p ./data/otelcol && \ sed -i "s#\${env:STORAGE_DIR}#${PWD}/data/otelcol#g" ./otel.yml && \ sed -i "s#\${env:ELASTIC_ENDPOINT}#${ELASTICSEARCH_ENDPOINT}#g" ./otel.yml && \ sed -i "s#\${env:ELASTIC_API_KEY}#$ELASTIC_API_KEY#g" ./otel.yml
ELASTICSEARCH_ENDPOINT=<ELASTICSEARCH_ENDPOINT> && \ ELASTIC_API_KEY=<ELASTIC_API_KEY> && \ cp ./otel_samples/logs_metrics_traces.yml ./otel.yml && \ mkdir -p ./data/otelcol && \ sed -i '' "s#\${env:STORAGE_DIR}#${PWD}/data/otelcol#g" ./otel.yml && \ sed -i '' "s#\${env:ELASTIC_ENDPOINT}#${ELASTICSEARCH_ENDPOINT}#g" ./otel.yml && \ sed -i '' "s#\${env:ELASTIC_API_KEY}#${ELASTIC_API_KEY}#g" ./otel.yml
Remove-Item -Path .\otel.yml -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Copy-Item .\otel_samples\logs_metrics_traces.yml .\otel.yml New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path .\data\otelcol | Out-Null $content = Get-Content .\otel.yml $content = $content -replace '\${env:STORAGE_DIR}', "$PWD\data\otelcol" $content = $content -replace '\${env:ELASTIC_ENDPOINT}', "<ELASTICSEARCH_ENDPOINT>" $content = $content -replace '\${env:ELASTIC_API_KEY}', "<ELASTIC_API_KEY>" $content | Set-Content .\otel.yml
Run the EDOT Collector
Execute the following command to run the EDOT Collector.
The Collector will open the ports
to receive application data from locally running OTel SDKs.Linux / MacOS
sudo ./otelcol --config otel.yml
.\elastic-agent.exe otel --config otel.yml
(Optional) Instrument your applications
If you would like to collect telemetry from applications running on the host where you installed the EDOT Collector, you need to instrument your target applications according to the setup instructions for corresponding EDOT SDKs:
Configure your SDKs to send the data to the local EDOT Collector using OTLP/gRPC (
) or OTLP/HTTP (http://localhost:4318