Configuring the EDOT .NET Agent

Configure the Elastic Distribution of OpenTelemetry .NET (EDOT .NET) to send data to Elastic.

Configuration methods

Configure the OpenTelemetry SDK using the mechanisms listed in the OpenTelemetry documentation, including:

Configuration options set manually in code take precedence over environment variables, and environment variables take precedence over configuration options set using the IConfiguration system.

Environment variables

EDOT .NET can be configured using environment variables. This is a cross-platform way to configure EDOT .NET and is especially useful in containerized environments.

Environment variables are read at startup and can be used to configure EDOT .NET. For details of the various EDOT-specific options available and their corresponding environment variable names, see Configuration options.

All OpenTelemetry environment variables from the upstream SDK may also be used to configure the SDK behavior for features such as resources, samples and exporters.

IConfiguration integration

In applications that use the “.NET generic host”, such as ASP.NET Core and worker services, EDOT .NET can be configured using the IConfiguration integration.

When using an IHostApplicationBuilder in modern ASP.NET Core applications, the AddElasticOpenTelemetry extension method enables EDOT .NET and configuration from IHostApplicationBuilder.Configuration is passed in automatically.

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
// Configuration is automatically bound and can be provided
// via the `appsettings.json` file.

By default, at this stage, the configuration will be populated from the default configuration sources, including the appsettings.json file(s) and command-line arguments. You may use these sources to define the configuration for the Elastic Distribution of OpenTelemetry .NET.

For example, you can define the configuration for the Elastic Distribution of OpenTelemetry .NET in the appsettings.json file:

  "Elastic": {
    "OpenTelemetry": {
      "LogDirectory": "C:\\Logs"

This example sets the file log directory to C:\Logs which enables diagnostic file logging.

Configuration parsed from the Elastic:OpenTelemetry section of the IConfiguration instance will be bound to the ElasticOpenTelemetryOptions instance used to configure EDOT .NET.

In situations (such as console applications) where the application may not depend on the hosting APIs, but uses the dependency injection APIs instead, an IConfiguration instance can be passed in manually.

var configuration = new ConfigurationBuilder()
    .AddInMemoryCollection(new Dictionary<string, string?>()
        ["Elastic:OpenTelemetry:LogDirectory"] = "C:\\Logs"

var services = new ServiceCollection();

To learn more about the Microsoft configuration system, see Configuration in ASP.NET Core.

Manual configuration

In all other scenarios, you can configure EDOT .NET manually in code.

Create an instance of ElasticOpenTelemetryOptions and pass it to an overload of the WithElasticDefaults extension methods available on the IHostApplicationBuilder, the IServiceCollection and the specific signal providers such as TracerProviderBuilder.

For example, in traditional console applications, you can configure the Elastic Distribution of OpenTelemetry .NET like this:

using OpenTelemetry;
using Elastic.OpenTelemetry;

// Create an instance of `ElasticOpenTelemetryOptions`.
var options = new ElasticOpenTelemetryOptions
  // This example sets the file log directory to `C:\Logs`
  // which enables diagnostic file logging.
  FileLogDirectory = "C:\\Logs"

// Pass the `ElasticOpenTelemetryOptions` instance to the
// `WithElasticDefaults` extension method for the `IOpenTelemetryBuilder`
//  to configure EDOT .NET.
using var sdk = OpenTelemetrySdk.Create(builder => builder

Configuration options

Because the Elastic Distribution of OpenTelemetry .NET (EDOT .NET) is an extension of the OpenTelemetry .NET SDK, it supports both:

  • General OpenTelemetry SDK configuration options
  • Elastic-specific configuration options that are only available when using EDOT .NET

OpenTelemetry SDK configuration options

EDOT .NET supports all configuration options listed in the OpenTelemetry General SDK Configuration documentation.

Elastic-specific configuration options

EDOT .NET supports the following Elastic-specific options.


  • Type: String
  • Default: string.Empty

A string specifying the output directory where the Elastic Distribution of OpenTelemetry .NET will write diagnostic log files. When not provided, no file logging will occur. Each new .NET process will create a new log file in the specified directory.

Configuration method Key
IConfiguration integration Elastic:OpenTelemetry:LogDirectory


  • Type: String
  • Default: Information

Sets the logging level for EDOT .NET.

Valid options: Critical, Error, Warning, Information, Debug, Trace and None (None disables the logging).

Configuration method Key
Environment variable OTEL_LOG_LEVEL
IConfiguration integration Elastic:OpenTelemetry:LogLevel


  • Type: String
  • Default: Information

A comma-separated list of targets for log output. When global logging is unconfigured (a log directory or target is not specified) this defaults to none. When the instrumented application is running within a container, this defaults to direct logs to stdout. Otherwise, defaults to file.

Valid options: file, stdout and none (None disables the logging).

Configuration method Key
Environment variable ELASTIC_OTEL_LOG_TARGETS
IConfiguration integration Elastic:OpenTelemetry:LogTargets


  • Type: Bool
  • Default: false

Allows EDOT .NET to be used with its defaults, but without enabling the export of telemetry data to an OTLP endpoint. This can be useful when you want to test applications without sending telemetry data.

Configuration method Key
IConfiguration integration Elastic:OpenTelemetry:SkipOtlpExporter


  • Type: Bool
  • Default: false

Allows EDOT .NET to be used without the instrumentation assembly scanning feature enabled. This prevents the automatic registration of instrumentation from referenced OpenTelemetry contrib instrumentation packages.

Configuration method Key
IConfiguration integration Elastic:OpenTelemetry:SkipInstrumentationAssemblyScanning