Components included in the EDOT Collector

The EDOT Collector comes with embedded Collector components from the OTel Collector Core, OTel Collector Contrib and the Elastic Collector Components repositories.

Component GitHub Repo Version
filelogreceiver OTel Contrib Repo v0.119.0
hostmetricsreceiver OTel Contrib Repo v0.119.0
httpcheckreceiver OTel Contrib Repo v0.119.0
jaegerreceiver OTel Contrib Repo v0.119.0
k8sclusterreceiver OTel Contrib Repo v0.119.0
k8sobjectsreceiver OTel Contrib Repo v0.119.0
kubeletstatsreceiver OTel Contrib Repo v0.119.0
otlpreceiver OTel Core Repo v0.119.0
prometheusreceiver OTel Contrib Repo v0.119.0
zipkinreceiver OTel Contrib Repo v0.119.0
debugexporter OTel Core Repo v0.119.0
elasticsearchexporter OTel Contrib Repo v0.119.0
fileexporter OTel Contrib Repo v0.119.0
loadbalancingexporter OTel Contrib Repo v0.119.0
otlpexporter OTel Core Repo v0.119.0
otlphttpexporter OTel Core Repo v0.119.0
attributesprocessor OTel Contrib Repo v0.119.0
batchprocessor OTel Core Repo v0.119.0
elasticinframetricsprocessor Elastic Repo v0.13.0
elastictraceprocessor Elastic Repo v0.3.0
filterprocessor OTel Contrib Repo v0.119.0
k8sattributesprocessor OTel Contrib Repo v0.119.0
lsmintervalprocessor Elastic Repo v0.3.0
memorylimiterprocessor OTel Core Repo v0.119.0
resourcedetectionprocessor OTel Contrib Repo v0.119.0
resourceprocessor OTel Contrib Repo v0.119.0
transformprocessor OTel Contrib Repo v0.119.0
routingconnector OTel Contrib Repo v0.119.0
signaltometricsconnector Elastic Repo v0.3.0
spanmetricsconnector OTel Contrib Repo v0.119.0
filestorage OTel Contrib Repo v0.119.0
healthcheckextension OTel Contrib Repo v0.119.0
memorylimiterextension OTel Core Repo v0.119.0
pprofextension OTel Contrib Repo v0.119.0