
Get started with OpenTelemetry for Kubernetes Observability

This guide describes how to:

Table of Contents


Compatibility Matrix

The minimum supported version of the Elastic Stack for OpenTelemetry-based monitoring on Kubernetes is 8.16.0. Different Elastic Stack releases support specific versions of the kube-stack Helm Chart.

The following is the current list of supported versions:

Stack Version Helm Chart Version Values file
Serverless 0.3.0 values.yaml
8.16.0 0.3.0 values.yaml

When installing the release, ensure you use the right --version and -f <values-file> parameters. Values files are available in the resources directory.

Components description

OpenTelemetry Operator

The OpenTelemetry Operator is a Kubernetes Operator implementation designed to manage OpenTelemetry resources in a Kubernetes environment. It defines and oversees the following Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs):

All signals including logs, metrics, and traces are processed by the collectors and sent directly to Elasticsearch using the ES exporter. A collector’s processor pipeline replaces the traditional APM server functionality for handling application traces.

Kube-stack Helm Chart

The kube-stack Helm Chart is used to manage the installation of the operator (including its CRDs) and to configure a suite of collectors, which instrument various Kubernetes components to enable comprehensive observability and monitoring.

The chart is installed with a provided default values.yaml file that can be customized when needed.

DaemonSet collectors

The OpenTelemetry components deployed within the DaemonSet collectors are responsible for observing specific signals from each node. To ensure complete data collection, these components must be deployed on every node in the cluster. Failing to do so will result in partial and potentially incomplete data.

The DaemonSet collectors handle the following data:

Deployment collector

The OpenTelemetry components deployed within a Deployment collector focus on gathering data at the cluster level rather than at individual nodes. Unlike DaemonSet collectors, which need to be deployed on every node, a Deployment collector operates as a standalone instance.

The Deployment collector handles the following data:


The Helm Chart is configured to enable zero-code instrumentation using the Operator’s Instrumentation resource for the following programming languages:

Deploy components using the guided onboarding

The guided onboarding simplifies deploying your Kubernetes components by setting up an API Key and the needed Integrations in the background. Follow these steps to use the guided onboarding:

  1. In Kibana, navigate to ObservabilityAdd data.
  2. Select Kubernetes, then choose Kubernetes monitoring with EDOT Collector.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to install the OpenTelemetry Operator using the Helm Chart and the provided values.yaml.

Notes on installing the OpenTelemetry Operator:

[!NOTE] The default installation deploys an OpenTelemetry Operator with a self-signed TLS certificate. To automatically generate and renew publicly trusted certificates, refer to cert-manager integrated installation for instructions on customizing the values.yaml file before running the helm install command.

Manual deployment of all components

Elastic Stack preparations

Before installing the operator follow these actions:

  1. Create an API Key, and make note of its value. (TBD: details of API key permissions).

  2. Install the following integrations in Kibana:

    • System
    • Kubernetes
    • Kubernetes OpenTelemetry Assets


Operator Installation

  1. Create the opentelemetry-operator-system Kubernetes namespace:
    $ kubectl create namespace opentelemetry-operator-system
  2. Create a secret in Kubernetes with the following command.
    kubectl create -n opentelemetry-operator-system secret generic elastic-secret-otel \
      --from-literal=elastic_endpoint='YOUR_ELASTICSEARCH_ENDPOINT' \

    Don’t forget to replace

    • YOUR_ELASTICSEARCH_ENDPOINT: your Elasticsearch endpoint (with https:// prefix example:
    • YOUR_ELASTICSEARCH_API_KEY: your Elasticsearch API Key
  3. Execute the following commands to deploy the Helm Chart.
$ helm repo add open-telemetry
$ helm repo update
$ helm upgrade --install --namespace opentelemetry-operator-system opentelemetry-kube-stack open-telemetry/opentelemetry-kube-stack --values ./resources/kubernetes/operator/helm/values.yaml --version 0.3.0

Installation verification:

Regardless of the installation method followed, perform the following checks to verify that everything is running properly:

  1. Check Pods Status
    • Ensure the following components are running without errors:
      • Operator Pod
      • DaemonSet Collector Pod
      • Deployment Collector Pod
  2. Validate Instrumentation Object
    • Confirm that the Instrumentation object is deployed and configured with a valid endpoint.
  3. Kibana Dashboard Check
    • Verify that the [OTEL][Metrics Kubernetes] Cluster Overview dashboard in Kibana is displaying data correctly.
  4. Log Data Availability in Kibana
    • In Kibana Discovery, confirm the availability of data under the __logs-*__ data view.
  5. Metrics Data Availability in Kibana
    • In Kibana Discovery, ensure data is available under the __metrics-*__ data view.

Instrumenting Applications

To enable auto-instrumentation, add the corresponding annotation to the pods of existing deployments (spec.template.metadata.annotations), or to the desired namespace (to auto-instrument all pods in the namespace):

  annotations:<LANGUAGE>: "opentelemetry-operator-system/elastic-instrumentation"

where <LANGUAGE> is one of: go , java, nodejs, python, dotnet

For detailed instructions and examples on how to instrument applications in Kubernetes using the OpenTelemetry Operator, refer to Instrumenting applications.

For troubleshooting details and verification steps, refer to Troubleshooting auto-instrumentation.

Cert-manager integrated installation

In Kubernetes, for the API server to communicate with the webhook component (created by the operator), the webhook requires a TLS certificate that the API server is configured to trust. The default provided configuration sets the Helm Chart to auto generate the required certificate as a self-signed certificate with an expiration policy of 365 days. These certificates won’t be renewed if the Helm Chart’s release is not manually updated. For production environments, we highly recommend using a certificate manager like cert-manager.

Integrating the operator with cert-manager enables automatic generation and renewal of publicly trusted TLS certificates. This section assumes that cert-manager and its CRDs are already installed in your Kubernetes environment. If that’s not the case, refer to the cert-manager installation guide before continuing.

Follow any of the following options to install the OpenTelemetry Operator Helm Chart integrated with cert-manager:

helm upgrade --install --namespace opentelemetry-operator-system opentelemetry-kube-stack open-telemetry/opentelemetry-kube-stack \
--values ./resources/kubernetes/operator/helm/values.yaml --version 0.3.3 \
--set opentelemetry-operator.admissionWebhooks.certManager.enabled=true --set opentelemetry-operator.admissionWebhooks.autoGenerateCert=null