Compatibility & Support - OTel Collectors


Table of content

EDOT Collector

EDOT Collector Compatibility - Elastic Stack

The following table gives an overview of compatibility and support of EDOT Collector versions with Elastic Stack versions.

EDOT Collector Version Elastic Stack
< 8.16 8.16 - 8.17 8.18 8.19 9.0
8.x 🟡 🟡 🟡 🟡
9.0 🟡

EDOT Collector Compatibility - Components

The components included in the EDOT Collector are categorized into Core and Extended components:

Component GitHub Repo EDOTCol 8.x EDOTCol 9.x
filelogreceiver OTel Contrib Repo 🟡 Extended Core (since 9.0)
hostmetricsreceiver OTel Contrib Repo 🟡 Extended Core (since 9.0)
k8sclusterreceiver OTel Contrib Repo 🟡 Extended Core (since 9.0)
k8sobjectsreceiver OTel Contrib Repo 🟡 Extended Core (since 9.0)
kubeletstatsreceiver OTel Contrib Repo 🟡 Extended Core (since 9.0)
otlpreceiver OTel Core Repo 🟡 Extended Core (since 9.0)
elasticsearchexporter OTel Contrib Repo 🟡 Extended Core (since 9.0)
otlpexporter OTel Core Repo 🟡 Extended Core (since 9.0)
attributesprocessor OTel Contrib Repo 🟡 Extended Core (since 9.0)
batchprocessor OTel Core Repo 🟡 Extended Core (since 9.0)
elasticinframetricsprocessor Elastic Repo 🟡 Extended Core (since 9.0)
elastictraceprocessor Elastic Repo 🟡 Extended Core (since 9.0)
k8sattributesprocessor OTel Contrib Repo 🟡 Extended Core (since 9.0)
resourceprocessor OTel Contrib Repo 🟡 Extended Core (since 9.0)
resourcedetectionprocessor OTel Contrib Repo 🟡 Extended Core (since 9.0)
elasticapmconnector Elastic Repo 🟡 Extended Core (since 9.0)
routingconnector OTel Contrib Repo 🟡 Extended Core (since 9.0)

See the full list of Core & Extended EDOT Collector components here.

EDOT Collector Compatibility - Operating Systems

The following table gives an overview of compatibility and support of EDOT Collector versions with different operating systems.

EDOT Collector Version Linux/arm64 Linux/amd64 Windows macOS
8.x 🟡 🟡 🟡 🟡
9.x 🟡 🟡

Other Collector Distributions

Other, non-EDOT distributions of the OTel Collector (such as custom Collector builds, upstream Collector distributions, etc.) are not officially supported through Elastic but deemed technically compatible (🟡) if they contain the required OTel Collector components and are configured analogously to the EDOT Collector.

Required components and configuration options per use case can be retrieved from the sample configuration files for the EDOT Collector.