Google Workspace Restrictions for Marketplace Modified to Allow Any App

Last updated 5 days ago on 2024-09-23
Created 2 years ago on 2022-08-25


Detects when the Google Marketplace restrictions are changed to allow any application for users in Google Workspace. Malicious APKs created by adversaries may be uploaded to the Google marketplace but not installed on devices managed within Google Workspace. Administrators should set restrictions to not allow any application from the marketplace for security reasons. Adversaries may enable any app to be installed and executed on mobile devices within a Google Workspace environment prior to distributing the malicious APK to the end user.
Domain: CloudData Source: Google WorkspaceUse Case: Configuration AuditTactic: Defense Evasion
Risk Score

Defense Evasion (TA0005)(opens in a new tab or window)

False Positive Examples
Applications can be added and removed from blocklists by Google Workspace administrators, but they can all be explicitly allowed for users. Verify that the configuration change was expected. Exceptions can be added to this rule to filter expected behavior.
Elastic License v2(opens in a new tab or window)


Rule Type
Query (Kibana Query Language)
Integration Pack
Prebuilt Security Detection Rules
Index Patterns
Related Integrations

google_workspace(opens in a new tab or window)

event.dataset:"google_workspace.admin" and event.action:"CHANGE_APPLICATION_SETTING" and event.category:(iam or configuration)
    and google_workspace.event.type:"APPLICATION_SETTINGS" and"Google Workspace Marketplace"
        and"Apps Access Setting Allowlist access"  and google_workspace.admin.new_value:"ALLOW_ALL"

Install detection rules in Elastic Security

Detect Google Workspace Restrictions for Marketplace Modified to Allow Any App in the Elastic Security detection engine by installing this rule into your Elastic Stack.

To setup this rule, check out the installation guide for Prebuilt Security Detection Rules(opens in a new tab or window).