Unusual File Transfer Utility Launched

Last updated 10 days ago on 2025-02-21
Created 10 days ago on 2025-02-21


This rule leverages ES|QL to detect the execution of unusual file transfer utilities on Linux systems. Attackers may use these utilities to exfiltrate data from a compromised system. ES|QL rules have limited fields available in its alert documents. Make sure to review the original documents to aid in the investigation of this alert.
Domain: EndpointOS: LinuxUse Case: Threat DetectionTactic: ExfiltrationTactic: ExecutionData Source: Elastic DefendLanguage: esql
Risk Score

Exfiltration (TA0010)(opens in a new tab or window)

Execution (TA0002)(opens in a new tab or window)

Elastic License v2(opens in a new tab or window)


Integration Pack
Prebuilt Security Detection Rules
Related Integrations

endpoint(opens in a new tab or window)

from logs-endpoint.events.process-*
| keep @timestamp, host.os.type, event.type, event.action, process.name, process.executable, process.parent.executable, process.command_line, agent.id
| where @timestamp > now() - 1 hours
| where host.os.type == "linux" and event.type == "start" and event.action == "exec" and
  process.name in ("scp", "ftp", "sftp", "vsftpd", "sftp-server", "rsync")
| stats cc = count(), agent_count = count_distinct(agent.id) by process.executable, process.parent.executable, process.command_line
| where agent_count == 1 and cc < 5
| sort cc asc
| limit 100

Install detection rules in Elastic Security

Detect Unusual File Transfer Utility Launched in the Elastic Security detection engine by installing this rule into your Elastic Stack.

To setup this rule, check out the installation guide for Prebuilt Security Detection Rules(opens in a new tab or window).