endpoint(opens in a new tab or window)
host.os.type: "windows" and
event.category: "process" and event.type : "start" and
process.code_signature.subject_name : (
"Action1 Corporation" or
"AeroAdmin LLC" or
"Ammyy LLC" or
"Atera Networks Ltd" or
"BeamYourScreen GmbH" or
"Bomgar Corporation" or
"FleetDeck Inc" or
"GlavSoft LLC" or
"GlavSoft LLC." or
"Hefei Pingbo Network Technology Co. Ltd" or
"IDrive, Inc." or
"Instant Housecall" or
"ISL Online Ltd." or
"LogMeIn, Inc." or
"Monitoring Client" or
"MMSOFT Design Ltd." or
"Nanosystems S.r.l." or
"NetSupport Ltd" or
"NinjaRMM, LLC" or
"Parallels International GmbH" or
"philandro Software GmbH" or
"Pro Softnet Corporation" or
"RealVNC" or
"RealVNC Limited" or
"BreakingSecurity.net" or
"Remote Utilities LLC" or
"Rocket Software, Inc." or
"SAFIB" or
"Servably, Inc." or
"ShowMyPC INC" or
"Splashtop Inc." or
"Superops Inc." or
"TeamViewer" or
"TeamViewer GmbH" or
"TeamViewer Germany GmbH" or
"Techinline Limited" or
"uvnc bvba" or
"Yakhnovets Denis Aleksandrovich IP" or
"Zhou Huabing"
) or
process.name.caseless : (
AA_v*.exe or
"AeroAdmin.exe" or
"AnyDesk.exe" or
"apc_Admin.exe" or
"apc_host.exe" or
"AteraAgent.exe" or
aweray_remote*.exe or
"AweSun.exe" or
"B4-Service.exe" or
"BASupSrvc.exe" or
"bomgar-scc.exe" or
"domotzagent.exe" or
"domotz-windows-x64-10.exe" or
"dwagsvc.exe" or
"DWRCC.exe" or
"ImperoClientSVC.exe" or
"ImperoServerSVC.exe" or
"ISLLight.exe" or
"ISLLightClient.exe" or
fleetdeck_commander*.exe or
"getscreen.exe" or
"LMIIgnition.exe" or
"LogMeIn.exe" or
"ManageEngine_Remote_Access_Plus.exe" or
"Mikogo-Service.exe" or
"NinjaRMMAgent.exe" or
"NinjaRMMAgenPatcher.exe" or
"ninjarmm-cli.exe" or
"r_server.exe" or
"radmin.exe" or
"radmin3.exe" or
"RCClient.exe" or
"RCService.exe" or
"RemoteDesktopManager.exe" or
"RemotePC.exe" or
"RemotePCDesktop.exe" or
"RemotePCService.exe" or
"rfusclient.exe" or
"ROMServer.exe" or
"ROMViewer.exe" or
"RPCSuite.exe" or
"rserver3.exe" or
"rustdesk.exe" or
"rutserv.exe" or
"rutview.exe" or
"saazapsc.exe" or
ScreenConnect*.exe or
"smpcview.exe" or
"spclink.exe" or
"Splashtop-streamer.exe" or
"SRService.exe" or
"strwinclt.exe" or
"Supremo.exe" or
"SupremoService.exe" or
"teamviewer.exe" or
"TiClientCore.exe" or
"TSClient.exe" or
"tvn.exe" or
"tvnserver.exe" or
"tvnviewer.exe" or
UltraVNC*.exe or
UltraViewer*.exe or
"vncserver.exe" or
"vncviewer.exe" or
"winvnc.exe" or
"winwvc.exe" or
"Zaservice.exe" or
) or
process.name : (
AA_v*.exe or
"AeroAdmin.exe" or
"AnyDesk.exe" or
"apc_Admin.exe" or
"apc_host.exe" or
"AteraAgent.exe" or
aweray_remote*.exe or
"AweSun.exe" or
"B4-Service.exe" or
"BASupSrvc.exe" or
"bomgar-scc.exe" or
"domotzagent.exe" or
"domotz-windows-x64-10.exe" or
"dwagsvc.exe" or
"DWRCC.exe" or
"ImperoClientSVC.exe" or
"ImperoServerSVC.exe" or
"ISLLight.exe" or
"ISLLightClient.exe" or
fleetdeck_commander*.exe or
"getscreen.exe" or
"LMIIgnition.exe" or
"LogMeIn.exe" or
"ManageEngine_Remote_Access_Plus.exe" or
"Mikogo-Service.exe" or
"NinjaRMMAgent.exe" or
"NinjaRMMAgenPatcher.exe" or
"ninjarmm-cli.exe" or
"r_server.exe" or
"radmin.exe" or
"radmin3.exe" or
"RCClient.exe" or
"RCService.exe" or
"RemoteDesktopManager.exe" or
"RemotePC.exe" or
"RemotePCDesktop.exe" or
"RemotePCService.exe" or
"rfusclient.exe" or
"ROMServer.exe" or
"ROMViewer.exe" or
"RPCSuite.exe" or
"rserver3.exe" or
"rustdesk.exe" or
"rutserv.exe" or
"rutview.exe" or
"saazapsc.exe" or
ScreenConnect*.exe or
"smpcview.exe" or
"spclink.exe" or
"Splashtop-streamer.exe" or
"SRService.exe" or
"strwinclt.exe" or
"Supremo.exe" or
"SupremoService.exe" or
"teamviewer.exe" or
"TiClientCore.exe" or
"TSClient.exe" or
"tvn.exe" or
"tvnserver.exe" or
"tvnviewer.exe" or
UltraVNC*.exe or
UltraViewer*.exe or
"vncserver.exe" or
"vncviewer.exe" or
"winvnc.exe" or
"winwvc.exe" or
"Zaservice.exe" or
) and
not (process.pe.original_file_name : ("G2M.exe" or "Updater.exe" or "powershell.exe") and process.code_signature.subject_name : "LogMeIn, Inc.")
Install detection rules in Elastic Security
Detect First Time Seen Commonly Abused Remote Access Tool Execution in the Elastic Security detection engine by installing this rule into your Elastic Stack.
To setup this rule, check out the installation guide for Prebuilt Security Detection Rules(opens in a new tab or window).