Google Workspace Admin Role Assigned to a User

Last updated 5 days ago on 2024-09-23
Created 4 years ago on 2020-11-17


Assigning the administrative role to a user will grant them access to the Google Admin console and grant them administrator privileges which allow them to access and manage various resources and applications. An adversary may create a new administrator account for persistence or apply the admin role to an existing user to carry out further intrusion efforts. Users with super-admin privileges can bypass single-sign on if enabled in Google Workspace.
Domain: CloudData Source: Google WorkspaceUse Case: Identity and Access AuditTactic: Persistence
Risk Score

Persistence (TA0003)(opens in a new tab or window)

False Positive Examples
Google Workspace admin role assignments may be modified by system administrators. Verify that the configuration change was expected. Exceptions can be added to this rule to filter expected behavior.
Elastic License v2(opens in a new tab or window)


Rule Type
Query (Kibana Query Language)
Integration Pack
Prebuilt Security Detection Rules
Index Patterns
Related Integrations

google_workspace(opens in a new tab or window)

event.dataset:"google_workspace.admin" and event.category:"iam" and event.action:"ASSIGN_ROLE"
  and google_workspace.event.type:"DELEGATED_ADMIN_SETTINGS" and : *_ADMIN_ROLE

Install detection rules in Elastic Security

Detect Google Workspace Admin Role Assigned to a User in the Elastic Security detection engine by installing this rule into your Elastic Stack.

To setup this rule, check out the installation guide for Prebuilt Security Detection Rules(opens in a new tab or window).