from logs-azure.signinlogs* metadata _id, _version, _index
| where
// filter for Entra Sign-In Logs
event.dataset == "azure.signinlogs"
and azure.signinlogs.operation_name == "Sign-in activity"
// filter for MFA attempts with OATH conditional access attempts or TOTP
and == "multiFactorAuthentication"
and == "OATH verification code"
// filter on failures only from brute-force attempts
and == "failure"
and azure.signinlogs.result_description == "Authentication failed during strong authentication request."
| keep
| stats
// aggregate by the sign-in account or principal
failed_totp_code_attempts = count(*) by
| where
// filter on high frequency for a single user
failed_totp_code_attempts > 30
Install detection rules in Elastic Security
Detect Azure Entra MFA TOTP Brute Force Attempts in the Elastic Security detection engine by installing this rule into your Elastic Stack.
To setup this rule, check out the installation guide for Prebuilt Security Detection Rules(opens in a new tab or window).